The Secret Differences Between Traditional Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty

Are you considering a rhinoplasty procedure but unsure which technique is best for you? This article will delve into the differences between traditional rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty, revealing the secret nuances that make each method unique.

Firstly, traditional rhinoplasty requires an external incision across the columella, the small strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This open approach affords the surgeon greater visibility and easier access to the nasal structures but may leave a small visible scar.

In contrast, closed rhinoplasty uses only internal incisions, leaving no visible scarring. However, the closed approach can limit surgical access and make certain procedures more challenging, so it's important to discuss your individual goals with your surgeon to determine which technique is right for you.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Traditional Rhinoplasty

Traditional or open rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision on the columella, the fleshy tissue between the nostrils, to lift the skin and cartilage of the nose. The incision creates a small scar that is well-hidden but visible upon close inspection. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of traditional rhinoplasty:


Greater access and visualization: The open technique provides the surgeon with a better view of the nasal structures, making it easier to manipulate the cartilage and bone with more precision. This allows for a more accurate reshaping of the nose to achieve the desired results.

Ability to correct complex issues: Traditional rhinoplasty is ideal for correcting major nasal deformities such as a deviated septum or severe breathing problems. The open technique allows the surgeon to perform more complex maneuvers than closed rhinoplasty.

Better long-term results: Traditional rhinoplasty provides long-lasting results due to the increased access and control the surgeon has during the procedure. The open technique allows for more accurate reshaping, which translates to greater long-term success in preserving the shape and function of the nose.


More invasive: The open technique involves a larger incision, which means more scarring and a longer recovery period. Patients who opt for traditional rhinoplasty may experience more post-operative discomfort and swelling than those who choose closed rhinoplasty.

Increased risk of nosebleeds: The incision made during traditional rhinoplasty can cause minor trauma to the blood vessels in the nose, leading to an increased risk of nosebleeds.

Greater surgical time: The open technique takes longer to perform, which means that patients must be under anesthesia for a longer period of time. This can increase the risks associated with general anesthesia, although the risks are generally low.

In conclusion, traditional rhinoplasty offers several benefits over closed rhinoplasty, such as greater access and visualization, the ability to correct more complex issues and better long-term results. However, it also has some drawbacks like being more invasive, increasing the risk of nosebleeds, and requiring greater surgical time. It's important to weigh these factors when deciding which rhinoplasty technique is right for you.

Procedure Details of Traditional Rhinoplasty

Traditional rhinoplasty is an invasive surgical procedure that can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference. The surgery usually takes 1-3 hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the case. Here are some procedure details that you should know about traditional rhinoplasty:

3D imaging and consultation: Before the surgery, your surgeon will perform a 3D scan of your nose, which will allow them to show you what your nose will look like after the surgery. This is an essential step in the consultation process, as it helps to set realistic expectations of what can and cannot be achieved with the surgery.

Incisions: During traditional rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make incisions either inside the nostrils or on the columella (the tissue that separates the nostrils). These incisions allow the surgeon to access the bone and cartilage of the nose, which they will then reshape or remove to achieve the desired look.

Cartilage grafting: In some cases, the surgeon may need to add cartilage to the nose. This can be done using cartilage from the nasal septum, ear, or rib. The cartilage is carefully sculpted to match the shape and size needed to achieve the desired result.

Closing the incisions: Once the reshaping is complete, the incisions are closed using dissolvable sutures or removed after a week. The surgeon will then apply a splint to the nose to help it maintain its new shape as it heals.

Recovery: The recovery time for traditional rhinoplasty varies from person to person. Most patients can return to work or school within a week to ten days after the surgery. The full recovery time can take up to a year, although patients can expect to see significant improvements in the shape of their nose after a few weeks.

In conclusion, traditional rhinoplasty is a highly effective surgical procedure that can improve the shape and function of the nose. If you are considering this surgery, it is crucial to find a skilled and experienced surgeon who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the nose without any external incisions. While it has gained popularity in recent years, understanding both its benefits and drawbacks is crucial to determine if it is the right procedure for you.

Benefits of Closed Rhinoplasty

Minimal scarring: As the incisions are inside the nostrils, there is no external scarring, making it highly desirable for those who are concerned about their aesthetics.

Less swelling and bruising: As the procedure is less invasive, it usually results in less swelling and bruising, which translates to a shorter recovery time.

Quicker surgery time: Since the surgery is performed without external incisions, it takes less time, making it more convenient for patients.

Improved nasal airway: Closed rhinoplasty can also address functional issues such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates, which improves nasal breathing.

Drawbacks of Closed Rhinoplasty

Limited visibility: The surgeon has limited visibility of the internal structures, which may lead to limitations in the extent and precision of the correction possible.

Less versatile: Closed rhinoplasty can only address specific nasal issues and may not be the best option for more complex cases.

More complex for revision surgery: If a revision rhinoplasty is needed, closed rhinoplasty can be more challenging due to the limited visibility and previous scarring, which can increase the surgical time and complexity.

It is essential to discuss with your surgeon the pros and cons of closed rhinoplasty and determine if it is the best procedure to meet your goals.

Procedure Details of Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, refers to a surgical procedure performed on the nose without any external incisions. In this technique, the surgeon accesses the nasal structures through incisions made inside the nostrils.

The closed rhinoplasty procedure begins with local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference and needs. Once the patient is sedated, the surgeon makes incisions inside the nostrils, which are invisible from the outside. The surgeon then lifts the skin of the nose to access the underlying cartilage and bone.

The surgeon uses specialized tools and techniques to reshape the nasal bones and cartilage to achieve the desired results. The surgeon may also use sutures to close any incisions and to support the newly shaped structures of the nose.

Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty offers several advantages. Since there are no external incisions, there is no visible scarring or evidence of surgery. The procedure is less invasive, and there is less swelling, bruising, and pain after the surgery. Recovery time is typically shorter, with patients able to return to work or school within a week or two after the procedure.

Closed rhinoplasty is an effective technique for patients who want to improve the appearance and function of their nose without undergoing traditional open surgery. It may be suitable for patients who have mild to moderate nasal deformities, a deviated septum, or other issues affecting the nasal structures.

Before opting for closed rhinoplasty, patients should consult with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that they are good candidates for the procedure. The surgeon should evaluate the patient's nasal anatomy, medical history, and aesthetic goals to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

Choosing the Right Rhinoplasty Technique for Your Goals

When it comes to rhinoplasty surgery, you have two main options: traditional or closed. While both techniques can achieve similar results, there are some important differences to consider when choosing the right one for your specific goals.

If you're looking for a more dramatic transformation, traditional rhinoplasty may be the way to go. This technique involves making incisions on the outside of the nose, allowing for greater visibility and access to the underlying structures. This makes it ideal for correcting major deformities or structural issues, such as a deviated septum or breathing problems.

On the other hand, if you're looking for more subtle changes or want to avoid visible scarring, closed rhinoplasty may be a better fit. This technique involves making all incisions on the inside of the nose, which means there is no visible scarring and less overall trauma to the area. This makes it ideal for cosmetic changes, such as reducing the size of the nose or refining the tip.

Another important factor to consider is recovery time. Traditional rhinoplasty typically requires longer downtime and a longer healing process due to the more extensive nature of the procedure. Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, often results in a shorter overall recovery time.

Ultimately, the right rhinoplasty technique for you will depend on your specific goals and individual anatomy. Be sure to discuss your options and concerns with your plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for achieving your desired results.

Conclusion: Which Rhinoplasty Is Best for You?

Ultimately, the decision between traditional rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty comes down to your individual needs and goals. Traditional rhinoplasty offers more flexibility and access for the surgeon, which makes it ideal for more intricate procedures. Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is less invasive and produces a shorter recovery time, making it a good option for those looking for a quicker and less complicated procedure. Regardless of which method you choose, the most important factor in achieving your ideal outcome is choosing a reputable and experienced surgeon. With the right surgeon, both traditional and closed rhinoplasty can be safe and effective options for improving the appearance and function of your nose.

Frequently Asked Question

Breathing problems can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies or a deviated septum.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can potentially fix breathing problems by correcting any structural abnormalities in the nose.

While it is not guaranteed to completely resolve all breathing issues, rhinoplasty has been shown to improve airflow and alleviate symptoms in many cases.

However, it is important to consider the cost of the procedure and whether it is worth it for each individual patient.

Ultimately, consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty can provide more information on the potential benefits and risks of undergoing this type of surgery for breathing problems.

The long term effects and maintenance requirements of any surgical procedure depend on various factors, such as the individual's age, health condition, lifestyle choices and adherence to post-operative instructions.

In general, plastic surgery procedures like rhinoplasty can provide permanent results if the patient takes proper care of their nose after the surgery.

However, some changes may occur due to natural aging or additional trauma to the nasal area.

It is recommended that patients follow-up with their surgeon regularly for evaluations and adjustments if necessary.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition and exercise may help preserve the results of rhinoplasty over time.

After undergoing any surgical procedure, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon with regard to post-operative care. Recovery time can vary depending on the individual and the extent of surgery performed.

It is common for patients who have undergone rhinoplasty to experience some level of discomfort during their recovery period, which usually lasts several weeks.

With regards to wearing glasses after surgery, it is generally recommended that patients wait at least 4-6 weeks before wearing them again in order to allow sufficient healing time for the nose. This is because wearing glasses too soon after surgery can potentially disrupt the healing process or cause discomfort.

Your surgeon will provide you with specific guidelines regarding when you can resume normal activities such as wearing glasses during your recovery period.

The sense of smell is a complex process that involves the detection and interpretation of odor molecules by specialized receptors in the nasal cavity. The ability to detect and distinguish different odors can be affected by various factors such as aging, allergies, infections, and trauma.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape or reconstruct the nose for functional or aesthetic purposes. While rhinoplasty does not directly affect the olfactory system or the sense of smell, it may potentially cause some temporary changes in smell sensitivity due to postoperative swelling or sinus complications. However, these effects are usually transient and resolve over time with proper care and follow-up.

It is important for patients considering rhinoplasty to discuss any concerns regarding their sense of smell with their surgeon and follow all postoperative instructions for optimal outcomes.

When considering cosmetic procedures, many individuals may wonder about non-surgical alternatives to surgery.

In the case of facial procedures, such as nose reshaping, some patients may consider fillers as an option instead of traditional surgical rhinoplasty.

While fillers can provide a temporary improvement in appearance and symmetry, they do not have the same long-lasting effects as surgery and may require multiple sessions to maintain results.

Additionally, there are risks associated with any medical procedure, including fillers, which can include infection and allergic reactions.

When weighing the risks versus benefits of filler injections versus surgery for nose reshaping, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional who can assess your individual needs and desired outcomes.